Fiche détaillée d'un cours


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FrIESEG School of Management ( IÉSEG )

Code Cours :



Niveau Année de formation Période Langue d'enseignement 
Professeur(s) responsable(s)N.GRIGORIOU
Intervenant(s)Nicholas GRIGORIOU

Pré requis


Objectifs du cours

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
1.Devise and implement strategies that will help provide a competitively advantageous position and differentiate between smaller firms and multinational corporations.
2. Understand the challenges of managing managers and labor personnel both in individual Asian markets
3. Develop skills to examine the global supply chain and quality management practices pursued by multinational enterprises operating in Asia
4. Appraise the theories of the Multinational Corporation and future challenges for theory.
5. Discuss the evolution of the MNC
6. Identify the nature of an MNC and the extent and pattern on MNC activity in Asian economies.
7. Discuss headquarter subsidiary relationships.

Contenu du cours

Over the last few decades, the challenges facing managers of multinational enterprises (MNEs) have continued to evolve. As globalization of the business environment takes place, both domestic and multinational businesses must adapt their strategies and managerial practices. The unit focuses on key issues that businesses face as they adapt to this new environment. This unit provides coverage of a broad survey of international business issues; analyzes the environment in which MNEs operate within an Asian perspective. It offers a theoretical and practical understanding of the issues and challenges facing MNEs in today’s business environment.

Modalités d'enseignement

Organisation du cours

TypeNombre d'heuresRemarques
Face to face
lecture8,00   In-class interactive lectures and tutorials
Independent study
Estimated personal workload8,00   Private study
Charge de travail globale de l'étudiant24,00  

Méthodes pédagogiques

  • Lecture
  • Tutorial


This unit will be graded by examination only. The examination paper constitutes 100% of the total assessment.

Type de ContrôleDuréeNombrePondération
Final Exam
Written exam2,001100,00
TOTAL     100,00


  • Journal articles provided as course material. -

* Informations non contractuelles et pouvant être soumises à modification
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