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Introduction to social economy


FrFaculté de Gestion, Economie & Sciences Licences ( FGES LICENCES )

Code Cours :


Niveau Année de formation Période Langue d'enseignement 
Professeur(s) responsable(s)Hayyan ALIA
Intervenant(s)Pas d'autre intervenant

    Ce cours apparaît dans les formations suivantes :
  • Faculté de Gestion, Economie & Sciences - Licences & Prépas - Licence 3 Gestion - S5 - 3 ECTS

Pré requis

The students must have a general knowledge of business and economy concepts. Good comprehension of English

Objectifs du cours

Studying social economy enables the understanding of the important role the social economy organizations play in today’s society. This course intends to give insights about the historical evolution, conceptualization, and growth of the social economy with a focus on social business.

Contenu du cours

- Definitions and historical background.

- Market Economy model versus Social Economy model.

- Family business facing the industrial revolution, capitalism and globalization.

- Social capital.

- Social business and the other components of social economy.

- The welfare state and social economy in France.

Modalités d'enseignement

Organisation du cours

The course will be developed over 12 hours plus 6 hours of exercises (TD)

Méthodes pédagogiques


    * Informations non contractuelles et pouvant être soumises à modification
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