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European Legal Proceedings


FrFaculté de Droit - Lille et Issy-les-Moulineaux ( FLD )

Code Cours :


Niveau Année de formation Période Langue d'enseignement 
Professeur(s) responsable(s) Ophélie Omnes, Aurelien Raccah
Intervenant(s)Pas d'autre intervenant

    Ce cours apparaît dans les formations suivantes :
  • Faculté de Droit Lille - Master 1 International and European Law (anglophone) - S1 - 3 ECTS
    Faculté de Droit Lille - Master 1 DIE Droit des Affaires (parcours bilingue) - S1 - 3 ECTS
    Faculté de Droit Lille - Master 1 DIE Organisations Internationales et Européennes (parcours bilingue) - S1 - 3 ECTS

Pré requis

  • Notions on the functioning of the European system.

Objectifs du cours

At the end of this course, the student should be able to have a good knowledge of the main principles and practice of litigation with the European Union legal system and read cases of the Court of Justice of the European Union rapidly and effectively.

Contenu du cours

Part 1 : European Union Judicial System

Chapter 1 : Europe of Judges

A. A common European justice

1. the CJEU, international or federal court

2. The European integration through the Case-law of the CJEU

B. Access to the European justice

1. The Court and its evolution in EU primary law

2. The common principles of the EU legal proceedings

Chapter 2 : The EU judicial system

A. The Court of Justice of the EU, a "European Supreme Court" ?

1. Composition of the CJEU

2. General competences of the CJEU

B. General Court of the EU

1. Functioning of the General Court

2. Competences of the General Court

3. Specialized tribunals : which conception of the European Justice?

a. Civil Service tribunal of the EU

b. Creating supplementary specialized tribunals

C. Judicial Proceedings before the CJEU

1. harmonized judidical rules

2. limited judicial actions

Part 2 : Actions before the CJEU

Chapter 1 : Normative control of the EU legislation

A. Control of legality of EU law

1. Action for annulment

2. Actions for failure to act

Chapter 2 : The review of national implementation acts of EU law

A. Action for failure of a MS to fulfil obligations

B. Liability litigation

C. EU legal proceedings before the national court

Modalités d'enseignement

Organisation du cours

Méthodes pédagogiques


    Examen : coeff. 1

    * Informations non contractuelles et pouvant être soumises à modification
    Vidéo : Un campus à vivre
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