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Introduction to South American legal systems - Cours magistral


FrFaculté de Droit - Lille et Issy-les-Moulineaux ( FLD )

Code Cours :


Niveau Année de formation Période Langue d'enseignement 
Professeur(s) responsable(s)Lorena Bastianetto
Intervenant(s)Pas d'autre intervenant

    Ce cours apparaît dans les formations suivantes :
  • Faculté de Droit Lille - Licence 2 Européenne de Droit - S3 - 2 ECTS

Contenu du cours

The course explores South American Constitucional systems and their modalities of constitutional review, covering and discussing the main principles and rules governing institutions as well the procedural models for accountable decision-making. The constitutional and economic approach will be the fundamental ground for assessing higher court's decisions in civil and administrative litigation, exposing the contemporary rationale of precedents, mainly in Brazil. Moreover, the course aims to analyze the integration of constitutional review with decisions from the IACHR and Mercosur regime, providing a deeper study on the possibility of a regional conventionality control doctrine.

1) Session 1: Concrete and Diffuse Constitutional Review: Brazilian Foundational Model

2) Session 2: Concrete and Diffuse Constitutional Review: Brazilian Foundational Model

3) Session 3: Abstract and Concentrated Constitutional Review: Brazilian Foundational Model

4) Session 4: Abstract and Concentrated Constitutional Review: Brazilian Foundational Model

5) Session 5: South American Integration Process

6) Session 6: Mercosur/Mercosul

7) Session 7: Mercosur/Mercosul - Comparisons to the EU regime

8) Session 8: Inter-American Court of Human Rights - Conventionality Review

9) Session 9: Inter-American Court of Human Rights - Conventionality Review

10) Session 10: Constitutionalism in Chile, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay

11) Session 11: Constitutionalism in Chile, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay

12) Session 12: Venezuelan and Peruvian Constitutional Crises

Modalités d'enseignement

Organisation du cours

The course will be entirely remote, comprehending lectures, in-class assessments and debates.

Méthodes pédagogiques


    Examen : coeff. 1

    * Informations non contractuelles et pouvant être soumises à modification
    Vidéo : Un campus à vivre
    Notre chaîne Youtube