Fiche détaillée d'un cours


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Management de la communication


FrFaculté des Lettres & Sciences Humaines - FLSH ( FLSH )

Code Cours :


Niveau Année de formation Période Langue d'enseignement 
Professeur(s) responsable(s)Yves Vincent Davroux
Intervenant(s)Pas d'autre intervenant

    Ce cours apparaît dans les formations suivantes :
  • Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines - Master 2 Affaires Internationales Trilingues - Parcours Marketing International, Communication et Négociation - S3 - 2 ECTS

Objectifs du cours

Communication Management is a course focused on managing the communication

function in all its diversity. The course will explore corporate and other organizational communication aims, practices, publics, policies, plans, and channels in a variety of corporate and organizational settings. The aim of the course will be to equip students with the understanding and tools necessary to evaluate a company’s objectives, then to develop and manage an appropriate communications plan allowing the company to effectively manage its communication in furtherance of those objectives with all of the pertinent publics (consumers, investors, employees, suppliers, government agencies, the media, and pertinent interest groups).

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Conduct a basic organizational communication needs assessment

  2. Produce and identify clear strategic objectives for a range of situations, as well as appropriate tactics, in line with corporate goals

  3. Consider and prioritise the needs of different publics/stakeholders in a range of situations

  4. Understand which media channels to use for various messages and publics

  5. Select appropriate research and evaluation tools

  6. Develop a comprehensive communications plan

Contenu du cours

Corporate communication refers to the totality of a corporation's efforts to lead, motivate, persuade, and inform its various publics (see Course Presentation, above). The emphasis of the course will be strategic in nature. In other courses you will learn in depth about public relations, media relations, intercultural human relations, corporate communications, marketing, branding, etc. and the tools you need to conduct them effectively. This course will focus on analyzing overall communication needs and developing the right mix of communication tools, allocating resources, identifying barriers and solutions for overcoming them, and developing and managing an effective plan for internal and external communications.

Modalités d'enseignement

Organisation du cours

Méthodes pédagogiques


    * Informations non contractuelles et pouvant être soumises à modification
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