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Agriculture and rural politics


FrESPOL European School of Political and Social Sciences ( ESPOL )

Code Cours :


Niveau Année de formation Période Langue d'enseignement 
Professeur(s) responsable(s)Raymond FREMPONG
Intervenant(s)Pas d'autre intervenant

    Ce cours apparaît dans les formations suivantes :
  • ESPOL - Master 1 Food Politics and Sustainable Development - S1 - 6 ECTS

Objectifs du cours

Agricultural transformation has historically formed the basis of statehood and political organization. Today, a significant proportion of the world’s population lives in rural settings where agriculture is a source of livelihood and the foundation of their economic and political systems. This course intends to build an understanding of how state policies and international actors influence agriculture and development in rural areas ‚ how agrarian agents react to these policies, and the consequential effect on food systems.

Contenu du cours

Session 1 - Theories and models of rural development
The session reviews relevant development theories emphasizing modernization theories.

Session 2 - Political economy of agricultural and food policies
The session examines the political economy of state agricultural policies and their impacts on inputs and output markets.

Session 3 - Agrarian transition and the agrarian question
This session of the course examines these issues.

Session 4 - Globalization and agricultural development in developing and transition economies.
This unit will broadly discuss the role of international organizations in agricultural policy-making in the global south and transition economies.

Session 5 - Political mobilization in agrarian economies
This unit explores rural activism as a political response and advocacy.

Session 6 - Common-pool agricultural resource management and administration
The session will be an introduction to community management of agricultural resources.

Session 7 - Rural development finance
The lack of financial and credit markets usually constrains small-scale farmers. This session assesses recent finance and credit models and their limitations.

Session 8 - Sustainable livelihoods and rural development in the Global South
The session discusses sustainable livelihood as an approach to rural development in the Global South.

Session 9 - Sustainable food and agricultural systems in Europe
The section explores the need for more sustainable food production and food systems in Europe.

Section 10 - Agribusiness and rural development

Section 11 - Role of innovations and technology
The session aims to emphasize how technology and innovation could promote role development. We shall explore the prospects of ICT and innovation in rural development.

Section 12 - Women’s empowerment in agrarian and rural economies

Modalités d'enseignement

Organisation du cours

The course involves 12 weeks of lecture.

The course will be assessed based on a class presentation and individual essay.
Class presentation (20%):
Each week, a group of two students will make a 15-minute presentation based on one required text.
Individual essay (80%):
Students are required to hand in an individual essay of a maximum of 5,000 words.
The essay will be an analytical paper out of the student’s interest.
The deadline for submission is 05/12/2023.

Méthodes pédagogiques


    Contrôle continu : coeff. 100


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