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Cellular and Molecular Biology of Diseases



Code Cours :


Niveau Année de formation Période Langue d'enseignement 
Professeur(s) responsable(s)Farouk ALLOUCHE
Intervenant(s)Pas d'autre intervenant

    Ce cours apparaît dans les formations suivantes :
  • Ecole Du Numérique (EDN) - Master 1 DATA Management In Biosciences - S1 - 4 ECTS

Pré requis

Biology I, Biochemsitry I (B102), Biology II & Biochemsitry II (B201), Biochemsitry III (B404), Immunology (B503), Molecular Genetics (B602).

Contenu du cours

1- The Cell as Unit of health and disease :

Review the organization of the genome, the major cellular mechanisms and dynamics, cellular metabolism, cellular activation, signaling, the major signaling transduction pathways, interactions with cell environment, cell division and cell cycle.

2- Cellular responses to stress and toxic insults : adaptation, Injury and Death

Understand the cellular response to stress and noxious stimuli, adaptation of cellular growth and differentiation including hypertrophy, hyperplasia, atrophy and metaplasia, cell injury causes, consequences, mechanisms, and cell death with selected examples of cellular response to stress. Introduce cell aging

3- Inflammation and Repair

Understand the causes of inflammation and the recognition of microbes and damaged cells.

View the mechanisms of responses in acute inflammation : blood vessels reaction, leukocytic implication, clearance of pathogens, molecular mediators and the morphologic patterns of acute inflammation.

4- Genetic Disorders :

Review the molecular and cellular genetic of diseases. Mendelian disorders, complex multigenic disorders, chromosomal disorders, single-gene disorders with non-classic inheritance.

Understand the major molecular diagnosis methods.

5- Diseases of the immune system

Review the major mechanisms of immune response and introduce disorders of immune system : hypersensitivity, autoimmune diseases and immunodeficiency syndromes. Understand the rejection of tissue transplant.

6- Neoplasia and Biology of Cancer

Understand the nomenclature of neoplasia, the characteristics of begnin and malignant neoplasms, the epidemiology and the molecular basis of cancer, identify the carcinogenic agents and their cellular interactions and address the clinical aspects of neoplasia.

7- Infectious diseases

Review the general principles of microbial pathogenesis including the microbial cause of diseases, host-pathogen interactions, host damage, and the inflammatory responses to infection.

Distinguish principle types of viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections and introduce emerging infectious diseases.

Modalités d'enseignement

Organisation du cours

Méthodes pédagogiques


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