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Public policy analysis


FrESPOL European School of Political and Social Sciences ( ESPOL )

Code Cours :


Niveau Année de formation Période Langue d'enseignement 
Professeur(s) responsable(s)JOHANNES KARREMANS
Intervenant(s)Pas d'autre intervenant

    Ce cours apparaît dans les formations suivantes :
  • ESPOL - Master 1 Digital Politics and Governance - S1 - 4 ECTS
    ESPOL - Master 1 Global and European Politics - S1 - 4 ECTS
    ESPOL - Master 1 International and Security Politics - S1 - 4 ECTS
    ESPOL - Master 1 Food Politics and Sustainable Development - S1 - 4 ECTS

Pré requis

No strong prerequisites needed. Completion of introductory courses to political science during previous studies is an advantage.

Objectifs du cours

The study of politics and the social world inevitably involves an understanding of what governments and public institutions do. Yet, how do we get such knowledge? This course introduces students with the different ways in which public policy can be analysed. Following the predominant approaches in social and political science, public policy is theorized as a cycle consisting of several stages. During the course, students will learn about different perspectives from which public policy can be analysed; about how different governance structures contribute to shaping the policy cycle; about the importance of understanding who or what set a policy on the public agenda; about the causes and consequences of different policy designs; about the challenges linked to policy implementation; about how to evaluate public policy; and about how public policy analysis can be debated.

Contenu du cours

Session 1- What is public policy and how do we study it

Session 2- The policy cycle in theory and in practice

Session 3- The policy cycle under different governance structures

Session 4- The importance of agenda setting power

Session 5- The causes and consequences of different policy designs

Session 6- Policy Implementation

Session 7- how to evaluate public policy

Session 8- Debates generated by public policy analysis: an example

Session 9- in-class presentations

Modalités d'enseignement

Organisation du cours

Lectures with active student participation. Each session will feature a lecture through which the instructor engages the students in a general discussion. For each class there are two readings that students are expected to have read beforehand

Méthodes pédagogiques


    Contrôle continu : coeff. 100


    • Hassel, A., & Wegrich, K. (2022). How to do public policy. Oxford University Press. Chapters 1, 4 and 5||
      Karremans, J., & Lefkofridi, Z. (2020). Responsive versus responsible? Party democracy in times of crisis. Party Politics, 26(3), 271-279.||
      Jann, W. and K. Wegrich (2007) ‘Theories on the policy cycle’. In: Fischer, F. et al (eds) Handbook of public policy analysis: Theory, politics, and methods, CRC Press. Chapter 2

    * Informations non contractuelles et pouvant être soumises à modification
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