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FrIESEG School of Management ( IÉSEG )

Code Cours :



Niveau Année de formation Période Langue d'enseignement 
MSc in Big Data Analytics for Business1S2FrEnglish
Professeur(s) responsable(s)S.HOORNAERT

Pré requis

- Participants should be familiar with the basic concepts of R (e.g., vectors, dataframes, functions, packages).
- Participants should be familiar with reading and writing SQL queries (e.g., select, group by, having).
- Participants should know the basic concepts of Business Analytics and Predictive Modeling.

Objectifs du cours

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
- understand the available technologies in the Big Data universe and use the correct technology for a given Big Data problem
- know the technologies for reading and writing Big Data (e.g., MapReduce, Hadoop, HDFS, Parquet)
- know Spark, its architecture and its APIs
- use Spark as a tool for descriptive and predictive analytics using Spark SQL, MLlib, Streaming, and GraphX
- solve and present an end-to-end solution to a Big Data problem in an intercultural team

These competencies and/or skills contribute to the following learning objectives
- 1.B Successfully collaborate within a intercultural team
- 3.A Breakdown complex organizational problems using the appropriate methodology
- 4.B Compose constructive personal feedback and guidance
- 4.C. Convey powerful messages using contemporary presentation techniques
- 5.B Construct expert knowledge from cutting-edge information
- 7.A Demonstrate an expertise on key concepts, techniques and trends in their professional field

Contenu du cours

Every day, 2.5 quintillion bytes (=2.5*10^18 bytes) of data are created. Every minute, more than 4.2 million posts are liked and 300 hours of videos are uploaded. This generated (Big) data is characterized by its volume, variety, velocity, and veracity, and requires a specific approach for reading, writing, transforming, and modeling. This course introduces the problem of Big Data, the Big Data universe, reading and writing Big Data, and the skills to work with these data. It uses Spark as a core processing engine for running descriptive and predictive analyses on Big Data.

Modalités d'enseignement

Organisation du cours

TypeNombre d'heuresRemarques
Independent study
Individual Project6,00  
Group Project28,00  
Estimated personal workload34,00  
Face to face
Interactive class16,00  
Charge de travail globale de l'étudiant100,00  

Méthodes pédagogiques

  • Case study
  • Coaching
  • Interactive class
  • Presentation
  • Project work
  • Research


The assessment will consist of:
- a group work where students will solve a Big Data case study end-to-end with group feedback
- a set of individual assignments to support learning Spark with individual feedback
- a written exam to test the knowledge of Big Data, the Big Data universe, and Spark.

Type de ContrôleDuréeNombrePondération
Final Exam
Written exam4,00150,00
Individual Project6,00115,00
Group Project28,00035,00
TOTAL     100,00


  • Chambers, Bill, and Matei Zaharia. Spark: the definitive guide: big data processing made simple. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.", 2018. -

Ressources internet

* Informations non contractuelles et pouvant être soumises à modification
Vidéo : Un campus à vivre
Notre chaîne Youtube