Lesson details


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Africa & the 21st Century: Resources, Governance, Stability and Growth


EnFaculté de Gestion, Economie & Sciences Licences ( FGES LICENCES )

Class code :


Level Year Period Language of instruction 
Academic responsibilityPaul Scott

    This class exists in these courses :
  • USCHOOL - Licence 3 Pluridisciplinaire Projet Personnel - S5 - 2 ECTS
    Faculté de Gestion, Economie & Sciences - Licences & Prépas - Licence 2 Economie Finance - S3 - 2 ECTS



Learning outcomes

Our course meets only nine times. Full attendance is very important.

Africa and the 21st Century will explore the dynamics and possibilities of a region encompassing almost 1.3 billion people in 54 nations. The median age of the continent is 19.4. Predicting what the state of Africa will be more than 80 years from now is an impossible task. What we will do is to explore various trajectories, paths, challenges and opportunities.

Course description

Meeting 1

Can Africa become Asia? Or, will the 21st century be the era of Africa?

Conflict map



Meeting 2

Africa 50 years from now


Meeting 3 - Oral Presentation Topics Decided

Resource rich Africa

Mapping the continent


Blood diamonds


Meeting 4

Why is Africa poor?



Poverty - Zambia


Meeting 5

Downside factors: Governance and Corruption

Scott- Good Governance (handout)

Transparency International https://www.transparency.org/news/feature/corruption_perceptions_index_2017?gclid=CjwKCAjwwo7cBRBwEiwAMEoXPHLNoykBUVTHNW1T6EOYFIt47t9ULzzQcCfoxIGtuQc4gjulF3PDUhoC-eAQAvD_BwE

China and Africa

Meeting 6


Dependency Theory, recolonization

Dead Aid


Meeting 7

Genocide Watch

Rwanda A Preventable Genocide

Video: Shake Hands With Devil; Orbinski, Triage

Meetings 8 & 9 : Oral presentations

Class type

Class structure

Africa and the 21st Century is a lecture and discussion course. The course is also inter-disciplinary encompassing politics, economics, history, culture. Each week we will explore a relevant topic. All readings will be embedded and available on-line.

All students will be required to present either an oral presentation or a final written paper.

I recommend that for oral presentations students organize themselves into working groups no larger than 3.

Possible topics for presentations:

It is recommended that you form into working groups no larger than three people. Topics like dead aide, China and Africa or banking/credit are all great topics.

-Poverty: A case study - Zambia


-Brookings Report: Foresight Africa

-Report on any of the six topics :


-Blood Resources- The Kimberley Process

-Dead Aide. http://cms.medcol.mw/cms_uploaded_resources/4685_4.pdf

-Case study country development. This can be comparative.

-SADC - Explain their role.

-Ethnic conflict - a case study. Nigeria, Rwanda

-Chinese Trade and Investment in Africa - one belt, one road

-South Sudan

-Tunisia after the Arab Spring

-Africa and ICT development https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKgwdA3HqKw

Teaching methods


    Contrôle continu : coeff. 1

    Recommended reading

    • See above

    * This information is non-binding and can be subject to change
    Vidéo : Un campus à vivre
    Notre chaîne Youtube