Lesson details


Voir la fiche établissement

Allemand professionnel S2


EnFLSH - Faculté des Lettres & Sciences Humaines ( FLSH )

Class code :


Level Year Period Language of instruction 
Academic responsibility

    This class exists in these courses :
  • Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines - Master 1 Double diplôme Marketing international et négociation – Lille / Liverpool - S2 - 2 ECTS
    Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines - Master 1 Affaires Internationales Trilingues - Parcours Tourisme International, d'Affaires et de Luxe - S2 - 2 ECTS
    Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines - Master 1 Affaires Internationales Trilingues - Parcours Marketing International et Négociation - S2 - 2 ECTS

Learning outcomes

For students to understand documents from the world of busines sin German

For students to be able to summarise documents in German using formal language.

For students to be able to translate business correspondance into German.

For students to be able to express themselves spontaneously and fluently in modern idiomatic
German on professional issues.

Course description

* Studying
written and oral documents from the business world in German.

* Oral presentations in class on business issues.

* Translating business correspondance.

Class type

Class structure

Teaching methods


    Recommended reading

    • Magazines: Der Spiegel, Focus||
      Journaux : Die Zeit, die Welt

    * This information is non-binding and can be subject to change
    Vidéo : Un campus à vivre
    Notre chaîne Youtube