Lesson details


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Theatre and the other arts


EnFLSH - Faculté des Lettres & Sciences Humaines ( FLSH )

Class code :


Level Year Period Language of instruction 
Academic responsibilityAntonio PALERMO

    This class exists in these courses :
  • USCHOOL - Licence 2 Pluridisciplinaire Projet Personnel - S4 - 3 ECTS
    Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines - Licence 2 Métiers de la Culture et des Arts - S4 - 2 ECTS
    Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines - Licence 2 Lettres Modernes - S4 - 3 ECTS

Learning outcomes

This course
enables students to learn about the theatre in a transdisciplinary context and,
more particularly, to examine how theater and its staging are linked to the
other forms of art: architecture, painting, sculpture, cinema.

Course description

The various adaptations of Molière’s

Staging by the Comédie Française or Roger
Planchon or Jacques Lassalle or Stéphane Braunschweig

Film adaptations by F. W. Murnau and the
interpretations of the main character (Robert Hirsch, Michel Auclair, Roger
Planchon, Gérard Depardieu, Philippe Torreton, Emil Jannings)

Class type

Class structure

Teaching methods


    * This information is non-binding and can be subject to change
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